10 New Year's Resolutions for 2025 Homeowners

By Yasmene Warren

New year, new home — or at least, a like-new home! It will certainly look new once you put in the work and make good on all your New Year’s resolutions for your home. Maybe you have a few in mind, or maybe you know you need some and don’t know where to start. Well, 2025 is a new year and we can’t wait to see what you accomplish. Check out this list for ideas to get you started!

1. Declutter (Seriously, You Don’t Need It)

Every year, we stumble upon one too many household items that we swear make the perfect new addition to our homes — only for them to end up collecting dust. If there’s something on your shelves or even stored away in your closet not helping your home stand out, get rid of it. You want your home decor to look tasteful, not busy!

room with fridge and other clutter

Credit: Rawpixel

How to Get Started

  • Take it room-by-room: Analyze and address the problem areas in each room, and determine what’s really necessary.

  • Does it pass the “one-year rule”?: Ask yourself when the last time an item in your home was used; if the answer is more than one year, let it go!

  • If it’s broke, don’t fix it: We’re all a little guilty of not being able to part ways with things that aren’t quite what they used to be. Blankets with holes, pillows with torn seams, or even chipped drinking glasses — kiss them goodbye!

2. Organize, Organize, Organize!

The next step to decluttering is organizing; with your newfound space, your current home setup may look a little funky. It’s time to put your eye for design to the test and reorganize your home. When items in your home are thoughtfully placed throughout and it’s clear you designed with intent, it creates a warmer, more welcoming environment for not only your guests but also yourself!

organized garage

How to Get Started

  • Look for birds of a feather: Do you have decor that complements each other? Put them together! This can be items of the same color, items of similar shapes, or even artwork with similar styles.

  • Find storage solutions: Opt for stylish choices like storage ottomans, coffee tables with drawers, and woven baskets to keep things clear and clutter-free.

3. Take on a Home Renovation

Whether you’re looking to boost the value of your home to sell in the future or you simply have fallen out of love with your space, there’s no harm in renovating. Renovating your home not only keeps it from looking outdated, but it also helps you catch — and fix — problems you didn’t know you had (or were going to have).

attic with wood renovations

Credit: Leandervasse on Adobe Stock

How to Get Started

  • Find the problem room: Which room in your house looks like it needs a little love? Have your kids all grown up and you’re looking for ways to repurpose their old bedrooms? Maybe it’s high time for that in-home office or gym!

  • Break it up into small tasks: Life gets busy, and not everyone has time to tackle a full renovation in under a month. Start with picking out paint colors, tiles, carpet, and accent wallpapers, and go from there.

  • Don’t rush yourself: Only take on this task when you know you can. Bored on your days off? Get to DIYing!

4. Shrink Those Bills

The year may be new, but those bills certainly aren’t. Let’s change that. It’s time to become more conscious of your bills and determine how your home life contributes to them.

two hands holding lightbulbs

Credit: Artem Podrez

How to Get Started

  • Cut back on energy usage: Remember to switch off lights that aren’t in use, don’t run your dryer a billion times (smaller loads = faster drying times), and watch that running water.

  • Turn off your A/C: I know we live in Florida, but does your air conditioning really need to be running when you’re not home? Turn it off before you head out — your wallet will thank you later.

  • Switch to LED light bulbs: LED lighting has been around way too long for you to still be buying traditional incandescent bulbs. Make the switch to LEDs for better energy efficiency and long-lasting illumination.

5. Adopt a Cleaning Routine

Cleaning is not just for spring. I’m a firm believer that keeping things clean reduces the need for frequent deep cleanings. Staying on top of dusting, sweeping, mopping, and spot cleaning on a regular basis just might save you.

hand in glove with cleaning products

Credit: Jason Deines

How to Get Started

  • Create a routine: More is less when it comes to cleaning. Try to dedicate at least one day a week to tidying up your home.

  • Put dirty things where they belong: Don’t let dirty dishes pile up in anyone’s rooms or even the kitchen sink; rinse and store them in the dishwasher until it’s full enough to run. The same goes for your laundry: dirty clothes in the hamper, clean clothes in the closet! Remember Resolution #2!

6. Get into Recycling

If you’ve been looking for ways to go green, start with recycling. Recycling is the best way to reduce waste and greenhouse gases, conserve resources, and save energy. In short, it can do wonders for the environment, and you can do your part, too.

woman sorting plastic on a kitchen counter

Credit: SHVETS production

How to Get Started

  • Create designated bins: Paper, plastic, glass, and metal — they all need to be separated from each other. Empty and rinse out bottles, flatten cardboard boxes free of grease stains, and avoid recycling plastic bags or polystyrene foam.

  • Find your local recycling center: If your neighborhood doesn’t collect your recycling, look for centers local to your area!

7. Ensure the Safety of Your Home

When was the last time you checked your locks? Door hinges? How about that security alarm, if you even have one? A happy home is a safe home, and you can do your part to ensure that by taking the necessary steps.

keys in front door of home

Credit: WDnet Studio

How to Get Started

  • Change those locks: Install deadbolts at all major entry points or even look into getting smart locks with pin access.

  • Upgrade your security system: Doorbell cameras have been lifesavers. Couple that with cameras surrounding your home and a functioning alarm system, and you’ve got yourself a safe home.

  • Try motion-sensor lights: For added security, install motion-sensor lights to scare off intruders and improve nighttime visibility.

8. Revamp Your Outdoor Space

The biggest luxury of Sunshine State living is having year-round gorgeous outdoor temperatures that are perfect for lounging in. Some people get their outdoor fix by making a beach trip or taking a walk, but what if you don’t want to go anywhere? This is where your backyard comes in! In 2025, make a resolution to transform your backyard into paradise.

backyard with pool and trees

Want to view this home sold by the Pozek Group? Click here!

How to Get Started

  • Invest in lounge furniture: You’ll need more than just a simple folding chair to enjoy prime outdoor time. Look into outdoor sectionals, rocking chairs, lounge chairs, or even fun egg chairs to spice up your seating.

  • Keep it entertaining: It’s important to have things in your backyard that entice you to spend time out there. Consider getting a grill, pool, hot tub, or games you can play with guests visiting your home.

  • Spruce it up: Make your backyard look pretty! Liven its looks with things like string lights, lanterns, or even a flower garden.

9. Tend to Your Home’s Exterior

Who has the nicest house on the block? You if you keep its exterior maintained! Putting heart into the way your home looks not only enhances the neighborhood, but it also draws in hungry homebuyers if you’re planning to sell your home in the long run.

front of two story home with red roof tiling

Want to view this home sold by the Pozek Group? Click here!

How to Get Started

  • Get a new paint job: Out with the old, in with the new; should you go for a cool gray, or maybe a pale blue? Whatever colors you land on, pick something that is sure to make your home stand out from all the others.

  • Keep your landscaping in check: Maintain the vibrant greens in your grass, keep bushes and hedges trimmed, water your plants, and lay fresh mulch to elevate your yard.

10. Use What You Have Before You Buy More

As tempting as those BOGO coupons are, do you really need your household items in multiples? Probably not. Don’t overload your drawers and cabinets with duplicates; this is overconsumption and will lead to clutter. It’s best practice to buy as you go if you don't have the space for the extra.

household cleaners on a green shelf

Credit: Ron Lach

How to Get Started

  • Keep track of low-quantity items: If you notice you’re on your last squeeze of toothpaste, last square of toilet paper, or last pumps of lotion, it’s time for a trip to the store. Only buy what you need when shopping, if you don't have the space to keep one extra on hand.

  • Try before you buy (in bulk): Bulk buying doesn’t always work in your favor, especially when trying new things. Buying one of every item allows you to trial and error products and decide what will and won’t be returning to your next grocery list. It also saves you money in the long run!


You should want to live in a place you’re proud to call home, and you definitely will after applying each of these New Year’s resolutions. It’s important to better yourself and the things around you — your home included. If after all these resolutions are complete you find yourself looking to turn your house into somebody else’s home, or you’re making a resolution to find a new one overall, our team would love to assist you!


The Orlando Real is sponsored by the Pozek Group. If you’re thinking of buying or selling a home in Orlando, reach out and we would love to help!

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